Ed Craig
Ed Craig, a long time resident and member of our community passes at 85. He will always be remembered and loved by those who knew him.
He found his spiritual home in Spirit Lake. The lake was Ed’s ideal gathering place for all of the people he loved. Ed delighted in boating, waterskiing, and snorkeling, always with his family, and with the Beach Boys setting the mood. It was not unusual in the summertime for him to take a young child for a water-ski on his shoulders or to see him jump-start from the dock, later returning through a sunset drenched spray, whipping close to shore, then stepping back onto the dock, hair still dry: Steady Eddy.
He built uncountable decks. He floated myriad docks. He was an expert spearfisherman, regularly seizing “lunkers” from the lake’s murky depths. At least once a year on the lake he fed all-comers as many chicken fajitas as they could eat. 

Last Updated: Thursday April 25, 2024

Lake Elevation: 2442.02 ft.
Monthly Change: +1.25 in.
Water Temp: °F
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